Friday, June 3, 2011

Dropbox Forensic Artifact Analysis

In amongst my job-search duties, I've been able to take some time to complete a research project I started months ago but never finished due to work schedule, time constraints, etc. I pondered trying to get it posted to SANS Reading Room, but I'd have to completely rework it to get it comply with their formatting guidelines. I've sent it off to Forensic Focus to see if they'll post it for me.

Anyway, it's about forensic goodies that can be gleaned from the installation and use of Dropbox for file synchronization. I've got pictures and everything...

I've also submitted a "short" post to the SANS blog; hopefully that will be up soon (when it does, I'll post the link here). It's a "brief" summary of some of the stuff I found. I keep enclosing in quotes because when writing it (I even used different words/sentences/paragraphs than the whole writeup) on my system, it came out to nearly 6 pages. Of course there's margins, graphics, and such, but it's still pretty long, I think. There's just sooo much information!

Anyway, hopefully that will be useful and interesting to the forensics community.


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